The effectiveness of UV-C disinfection has been known for more than 100 years and is widely used in sone of the most demanding sectors in terms of disinfection, such as hospitals. UV-C light in adequate doses can inactivate rates greater than 99.9% of the pathogens present both on surfaces and in the air, including, of course, SARS-COV2, responsible for COVID-19. This type of disinfection, in combination with traditional cleaning, represents a significant advance in terms of sanitizing spaces since it reaches places where traditional disinfection is difficult, such as air, and counteracts human errors when it comes performing a correct cleaning protocol.
EFFICIENCY AND EFFICIENCY in a single technology
UV-C radiation is highly effective since there are no pathogens resistant to it, as there are against other types of disinfectants (bleaches, alcohols, chlorine ...), it is also a disinfection solution that integrates perfectly into flows of existing work and even streamlines them if they replace other disinfection methods such as ozone generators or electrostatic sprayers (they spray disinfectants in small electrically charged drops) since these systems require preparation by the operator (masks, protective suit ... ) and waiting for hours while the chemicals are dried or the rooms are ventilated to avoid exposing customers to toxic gases, on the other hand with UV-C disinfection the room is ready in a few minutes since the staff so You just have to press a button, leave the room and in less than 10 minutes the disinfection will have been carried out, during which time the cleaning staff may be doing other work activities. UV-C equipment allows you to give that extra sanitation, without moving away from the total cleaning times before the pandemic.A PROFITABLE INVESTMENT
It is a technology that by itself is cheap, since it does not require any recurring cost, at most the replacement of lamps that are usually carried out every 2-4 years, and its energy requirement is similar to the power consumed by a hairdryer; but in addition, compared to other types of disinfection such as chemical sprays, it represents a great saving since it does not require consumables, such as the equipment necessary for the operator (PPE), which are usually single-use, or the chemical products to be sprayed.In addition, the high efficacy of UV-C technology against pathogens translates into fewer outbreaks, which prevents cancellations, staff redundancies or, in the worst case, the closure of the hotel during the relevant quarantine period. All this allows hotels to save hundreds of thousands of euros and strengthen customer confidence by avoiding these types of mishaps.
Chemical disinfectants on the market today are safe, but prolonged or improper use can be harmful to the health of people, especially cleaning personnel who have continuous contact with them. The pandemic has caused an increase in the use of this type of product, and disinfection has often been prioritized over safety, exacerbating the risks for both workers and customers, since these chemical compounds can remain in the air for a long time. a relatively long time, causing especially respiratory and eye irritations.Society has assumed these risks because the force and speed of the pandemic have forced us to adapt, seek the lesser evil, but once the peak moment has passed, it is necessary to redirect these actions. UV-C disinfection is presented as the best alternative since it is safer and more effective: if used correctly, it completely avoids assuming this type of problems associated with chemical disinfection.
ADAPTATION: To each, his own
Despite the enormous benefits of UV-C, it is also necessary to bear in mind the need for there to be an adaptation process between technology and processes; This assumes that the technology adapts to hotel procedures. And in the same way, that the devices adapt their design according to the style of each establishment so that these disinfection elements, if they are fixed installation, go practically, almost unnoticed. No disinfection process is good if it excessively alters the normal rhythm of work or deteriorates its aesthetics. This is why it is necessary to carry out a BIO-OPTICAL PROJECT, where the spaces are analyzed, the work procedures are contemplated, the areas to be disinfected are prioritized, the suitable UV-C equipment is selected or designed, tests of operation and safety, and finally, the germicidal power of the devices is verified in situ, thus achieving the validation of the UV-C disinfection system.
AIR as a starting point
Published scientific studies indicate that the rate of contagion by air is a key factor, above the possibilities of contagion through surfaces. For this reason, the management of air disinfection, from the heart of the HVAC equipment in establishments, is crucial for the hotel sector. Cleaner air creates biologically safe environments. And not only is it a quality element for the customer, but also, the installation of UV-C devices in the air handling units (AHU) provides a better operation of the system, with its corresponding energy and maintenance savings.The near FUTURE
It seems that the light is beginning to be seen at the end of the tunnel regarding the current pandemic. However, scientists predict that infectious outbreaks will be increasingly frequent due to multiple causes: microorganisms that are increasingly better armed and more resistant to antibiotics and drugs, new variants of the viruses already present, the appearance of new pathogens, etc. All this, added to a globalized world, means that we have to consider prevention plans that help us face and avoid future health and economic crises. There is no doubt that, if we should have learned something, it is not only how to fight pandemics, but how to prevent them.The consumer has learned to value something that until now had not even paid attention to the biological safety of the environments in which it moves. That is why hotels must work to offer high standards of disinfection. And currently, UV-C light disinfection is the most powerful tool for the hospitality industry to meet these goals.