Proliferation of antibiotic-resistant bacteria
Proliferation of antibiotic-resistant bacteria
Our company is an expert in research through optical means. Moreover, we are able to apply these techniques in any industrial sector, and in particular in the biomedical field, where we are highly specialised.
We carry out tests and optical testing for different products or industrial materials, ensuring maximum technical competence and reliability of results.
We study optical alternatives that are applicable to the client's product, either to define a valid product design or to determine the final specifications.
Design of highly complex optical systems for a wide range of industrial applications. We are also specialised in bio-optical solutions (biomedical optics).
We have a range of tools that allow us to validate products and prototypes to ensure that their operation meets the specifications desired by the customer or those required by the regulations.
We have the experience, the necessary resources and a solid network of highly qualified partners and suppliers to successfully implement advanced optical solutions (prototypes and short series).
Proliferation of antibiotic-resistant bacteria
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