The objective proposed for this project was the generation of colours on high saturation vitreous mosaic using an industrial airbrush.
The objective proposed for this project was the generation of colours on high saturation vitreous mosaic using an industrial airbrush.
After several projects carried out on the colourimetry of this type of material, a new series of products has been developed using industrial airbrush techniques on vitreous mosaic.
With the manufacture of this new material, a range of vivid, highly saturated colours has been achieved, which the existing production processes did not allow to obtain due to the particular development of the colour in the sintered glass matrix.
The new product range, which has been commercially called the Hisbalit Chroma Series, offers the current indoor and outdoor decoration market the possibility of personalising environments, swimming pools, etc. by offering the creation of coloured glass mosaic by airbrushing with new chromatic ranges in the glass cladding sector.